We believe that experience must be shared to support each us that’s why we as ARS
organise technical trainings to share our knowledge and experiences. Our trainers are
good enough both for theory and practice subjects for rotating machines.
a. Topic of theoretical trainings
i. General definitions of motor and generator
a. Synchronous motors
b. Asynchronous motors
c. DC motors
d. Synchronous generators
e. Asynchronous generators
f. DC generators
ii. Insulation systems
a. Stator
b. Rotor
c. Core
iii. Stresses of insulation materials and aging mechanism
a. Thermal
b. Electrical
c. Mechanical
d. Environmental
iv. Inspections of rotating machines
a. Static / offline
b. Dynamic / online
v. Electrical failures and repair process
a. Stator
b. Rotor
c. Core
vi. Partial discharge
a. Definitions
b. Measurement ways
c. Analysis and consequences
d. Improvement methods
b. Topic of practical trainings
i. Vibration measurement
ii. Shaft alignment
iii. Site balancing